Picture this!

Picture this!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Last Post for 2011

Heeeeeeeeey welcome back!!

I'm your drunken host saying a very merry christmas and a crappy new year! It's officially almost a year since I started blogging. As usual, my college has started barely 15 days after the endsems..during the holidays I was lazing around my forest home in the Theosophical Society. Will upload a couple of photos when I find my USB cable.There's really no point talking about my short stay in a remote town of Karnataka without the photos.

So...............back to my school life.

Grade 8:
It was a good year, I made a couple of new friends... I started singing about this time, when one fateful day someone heard my voice and said it wasn't bad at all...I would sing gay Westlife duets with my new friend and we would be laughed at for attempting a linkin park combo. And in one case, 'We will Rock You'. Still, it was fun and there were so many times we were thrown out of class for 'rofl'ing.,
Once the teacher came in the class early and I was standing at the front of the class, blissfully staring out of the window. When she tapped my shoulder, I promptly replied that I had a fundamental right to stand there. As it turns out, I was wrong.

There were many great scenes on the football field, what with fistfights being common, and many guys wandering off to the canteen or the basketball court (depending on whether they wanted to eat or letch at girls...or in rare cases even to play basketball), and all the sliding tackles. I once scored spectacularly from a great range, when my team was losing 5-1...Poor humpty dumpty would be dodged like traffic on a highway, and if he was lucky he might even scrape the ball with his foot. Apparently the only time he ran 'fast' was to reach The Crapper.Three cheers for 'moti'vation...

There was football coaching in the summer holidays, where we had a weird coach and many fun loving seniors who would engage in disgustingly hilarious repartee. The sports in-charges were even more hilarious- one looked like a dog-cloning gone haywire and the other seemed like he'd been overdosed with helium in early childhood...I had a knack for imitating his voice (and many others') , at which the whole class would be in splits. The dogman tirelessly sniffed around with his over-inflated nostrils and he was the one who screamed in the assembly, with an exagerrated flourish: Stand-a-ease.....A-tten-SHUN!!!

The good old days...sigh

And then there were the Monday Tests...in which I would always perform terribly and write on the table,sulking :I'm a fucking piece of shit.

Well, this fucking piece of shit has to take off now...
Until we meet again...

This is Alcoholic Toddler signing off.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Guess Who's Back, back again?

Strange things are a-happening these days. 81 year old men are fathering twins with women half their age. Just a week back I witnessed a shocking sight. 3 cows having an orgy in the middle of a busy intersection. Though not that shocking in itself, if you're an Indian, the shocking part is that all cows were females.

You read that right - Lesbian cows!!! The next breakthrough in biology! This is BIG. Maybe even more than the creation of life in a lab! A big boost for pro- homosexuality people. As a friend of mine said once about lesbianism: it's fun! Even for them!

Anyway, now that my exams are finally over, i get to write another post. Back to 2004.

There was a great teacher...come to think of it, there were several. Let's go through them one by one.

Math bitch:
Description: Looks like a lioness,great big moustache, not much knowledge in the subject she teaches.

Notable Quotes:
  • Sometimes Sujoy can do wonders..
  • Sometimes even the teacher can be right
  • donkiz and toffiz (donkeys and toffees)
Geography Queen Bitch:
Description: Looks like the daughter of Ronaldinho and the transvestite he was caught fucking.(No offence to said transvestite)
Chest hair very unabashedly displayed.

Notable Quotes:
  • Shut up!!(pronounced shudaaaap, with a fake accent)
  • Juuuuuuuuuuust SHUT UP!!
  • Why are talking?(said very fast)
  • Juuuuuuuuust SHUT UP!!!!
Chemistry Bitch:
Description: The Exorcist would definitely recruit her.
                     A true bitch.
Notable Quotes:
  • bark bark bark
  • woof woof
(everything she said sounds like a bark; a deep, reverberating bark)

English Bitch:

  • squint eyed
  • stupid
  • squint eyed(from the point of view of the other eye)
  • flirts with students...or maybe just me
Notable Incidents:
  • The time when she scolded a student and told him to stand up...two different guys stood up(neither was sure who exactly she was looking at)
  • all round the year, me and my friends constantly made fun of her...in her face

Computer Bitch:

Description: Undertaker's twin
Notable Quotes:
Butt obvious.

Physics Teacher:

She was cute. I think I had a crush on her. Note the absence of 'bitch' from the title.

description: Cute.
                  Nice butt. It's a shame she got married...

notable Incidents:
  • A student, about not doing his holiday homework project: "Ma'am, samajh to aa gaya, par ....samajh nahi  aa raha.."( I understood, but....I don't understand"
  • In her class once she was demonstrating how a fire extinguisher works...everybody had gathered round her table, and I couldn't see properly. So I tried to climb a nearby table but I fell, face to face, on top of a girl. Pity she wasn't hot.

Okay, that's about it with the teachers...

I first started singing at around this time. I was awful, but the class seemed to disagree. Also, this was when  I became famous for football and my dance skills. I remember a kid I'd never seen coming up to me and asking, "You are Alcoholic Toddler, right? The football guy?"

It felt weird to be popular...It had its positives...Once a girl was crossing me and I felt her hand nudge my crotch by 'accident'...heh heh...yea right...

Alrighty then...
this is Alcoholic Toddler signing off.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Same Old, same old

Hey, people, welcome back, into my open arms! Mind the smelly armpits!

So, 10 months after my blog started, the pageviews have finally touched 1000. Hurrah!

Anyway, sorry for the long delay in posting. Same old, same old story: assignments, exams, practical files, ridiculous deadlines, blah blah blah, and some more blah.
Oh, and some more blah.

<loud clearing of the throat>

Sorry....I seem to have that word stuck in my throat.

Another advanced apology for yet another delay in the next post: Endsems till Nov 29.

Back to the school life, then.

So, I had given a very mild account of the Shit Happens story. Well, it was for your own benefit. Believe you me, you did not want me to accurately describe the magnitude of that stench, that is unless you wanted to have a puking spree on your keyboard.

If i'm not wrong, I believe that Shit happened once more. But that was a close one, and I believed he managed to rush to the Shit Cleaning Room(namely, the toilet) just in time.

In other news, One Stupid guy was running around the classroom, fighting with the Akshay Kumar lookalike. As it happens, he slipped and fell, with his feet knocking mine down from behind.

What followed was a furious unleashing of the beast within me.


It was so loud that the whole class went silent for a couple of seconds. When they saw he was still in one piece, they sighed with relief.

Needless to say, his balls fell off and he never came within 5 feet of me ever again.

This is Alcoholic toddler signing off.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Life at schools- Part (Whatever)


8th grade. One of the best goddamn phases of my life.

It started pretty awkwardly, what with my bicycle being stolen from the school compound.
Three weeks Ago....

Well, here we go. One fine day, I was just minding my own business, doing what every normal kid does in a classroom. Farting sonic bombs.
The day was kind of ordinary, except when I got to the bicycle stand. I couldn't find my keys. They must have fallen off my pocket when I was playing football earlier. And scoring a hat-trick....but that thought didn't do much to lift my spirits at that time..I had to get the lock sheared apart by a strong blade, asking the school gardener to do it for me.
As you can imagine, I was terrified, wondering what I would tell mom and Dad when I got home.

So..I took the sheared lock home, and claimed that someone else had broken it.My mom, dad and bro did not like the sound of that.
So, the following monday, my dad wrote a letter to the Principal, criticising the security and so on...
And I was, obviously, called upon, when the Principal investigated this serious matter. The guards recognized me at once, even though I put on a chinki face and rumpled up my hair in what I thought would be a hopefully unrecognizable fashion. It's my bad luck that I have hair like Harry Potter...no matter what I do, they always slip back to the same tousled configuration after half an hour.
And, I don't know whether it was because of the extreme heat or the fear I had of the Principal and my Dad, I had a blackout experience for a couple of seconds in the Principal's office, right about the time when she was twisting my ears for lying and accusing the school security, which made her even more furious.
I somehow staggered out of her Office, still alive....
The following day, my Dad was called to the principal's office, and he was filled in about my dishonesty and my "wonderful acting skills" , as the princi called it.
That was the last time I remember weeping in fear, ever. I have never cried since.

Well, three weeks later, when I forgot to take the keys with me, my cycle predictably disappeared. You know how the story goes- never trust the boy who lies. So, long story short, I never found out what happened to it.

That incident apart, life was pretty awesome.
There were inter-house football selections going on, and I impressed the hell out of both my team selectors...flinging the ball into the net with a flourish, following which they gave me a rolling ball from quite a distance, which I whacked the hell out of....it hit the crossbar, almost going in, but it made the impression I was hoping for. There was one loser-ish dude who switched lines and ran up behind me, and said in a sycophantic gushing of words,"Alcoholic Toddler is here, so I came here!"
Then they tried to test my eternal weakness in football skills- dribbling. I had to take on five defenders, which I couldn't quite pull off. But at the end of the day, they were pretty impressed, and next week followed one of the most memorable matches in my football 'career'. All for the wrong reasons.

It started out like an epic battle. Both teams were arguably on an equal footing. Except our opponent were the favourites, because they always won. Our team, on the other hand, had an impressive line-up after many years, so many hopes rested on our shoulders. Our opponents were actually at a slight advantage, as we did not have any competent keeper. But we held the slightly stronger team off, attacking them as well, keeping the game as interesting as an El-Classico fixture. Even my dribbling had created a couple of fluttering moments, but both teams defended fiercely. Then, we had a major breakthrough through my skilful run through the opponent defence. I was through, I was in the box, but I was surrounded. Somehow I flicked the ball onto the hand of one defender, which awarded us a penalty. But, our chance was cheaply lost by the same loser I mentioned earlier, who was made the captain because the teacher didn't know me well. Then five minutes later, in the last stages of the game, another idiot in our team violated a basic backpass rule, which resulted in an indirect free-kick being awarded to our opponent, which they somehow( not with much style) pushed into the back of our net. The whistle blew. We were devastated. My brother was teasing me, I remember...he was the coach of the opponents.

Shit happens. Sigh. Which reminds me...

Remember the Humpty Dumpty I mentioned earlier? Well, it seems he finally ate more than he could handle. There was a highly unpleasant smell wafting around in the classroom. All heads turned here and there, trying to identify the source.
Then one nasal, heavily drawling voice gave us the info we wanted.
"Mam, mere ko pata hai badbu kahan se aa rahi hai..."
One Stupid Guy had fashioned himself a gas mask out of paper and was proudly sporting it. The whole class was abuzz with commentary about how Humpty Dumpty had a huge discharge of faecal matter seeping through his underwear. How unfotunate for him, that our uniform's blinding white.
Eventually, he began to cry, and a good friend of mine went over to him and tried to comfort him. I would have done the same, but i have a very low threshold for withstanding shitty odours. I can't imagine how he walked back to the bus.....

Shit happens...quite literally sometimes....

Thursday, September 8, 2011

A Lovely Day in The Park.

Hey there...

I have exams ongoing, after which I get half-day to study for the next exam.The thing is, I don't tell this at 'home'. I roam around, enjoying the only freedom I'll be getting in this wretched place.
I went to the beach on Tuesday, about which you can read here : http://intotheethereal.blogspot.com/
Be warned, it's the Other Alcoholic Toddler who wrote that post , I.e.  my serious twin...
Now, I chose to go to a cyber cafe for a while, then I got bored of that and I went to a small bakery to quench my thirst. After that I decided to go to The Park.

I reached there around 4. I sat on an empty bench and just idled away. After a while, a couple of guys came and sat nearby, commenting on the girls around and disturbing my peace. I got up and chose a secluded part of the park.

This part of my life is called: Getting Mugged.

So there I was, enjoying my chips in solitude, when suddenly 20 young men and boys came and surrounded me. The gang leader sat down beside me and asked me which college I was from. I told him. All this while another guy snatched my bag and started perusing it to forage for any valuable items.Thank god I didn't bring my phone or Cowon s9 that day. Another guy reached into my front pocket and snatched my ID card, confirming to the gang leader that I was telling the truth.
They began asking me various things in Tamil, almost none of which I understood. Meanwhile the gang leader, the only bulky guy of the lot, tried to sneak his hand into my backpocket where I had kept my wallet. Well, I didn't let him. He punched me in the face. I gave no reaction whatsoever.

One of the guys said (what roughly translates in hindi as- ) "Mat maar yaar, bechara hai "(Don't hit him, he's a poor little innocent)

The gan(d)g leader replied that I wasn't giving him my wallet.
" Kapde wapde utardenge..."(We'll make him strip)

This went on for a while....the guy made repeated attempts to snatch my wallet, and I didn't lett him succeed. He punched me again, and again the cycle went on. Finally, when the other men brandished their canes, I decided not to fight back. After all, I was outnumbered 20 to 1. And anyway, I decided it was better to give up a 100 bucks than have your bones broken. Or maybe worse....

So I gave him the money myself, showing him that that was all my wallet contained. He set my hair back like a loving uncle to humiliate me further  and said, "You're looking cute, man." (Gee, thanks, that's what your mom said last night)

Then they all walked away. I remained sitting there, not a hint of fear in my heart throughout the incident but just feeling irritated. There were three other people there, just watching....doing nothing.

Then the gang leader came back.
"Hey, do you have money for the bus?"
I shook my head. How much , he asked?
I held up my hand. He misread the message(Talk to the hand) and gave me first five, then a whole twenty bucks. How kind of him.

Then he disappeared again.

At the end of it all, I can honestly tell you:

That was fun, can we do it again? :D

So that's one more thing to cross off my list of things to try before I die:
  1. Pissing on LOC.
  2. Threesome with Gorilla and Crocodile
  3. Getting mugged
  4. Studying
  5. Suicide Suicide(didn't work the first time)
  6. Sex change ( I hope it's reversible)
This is Alcoholic Toddler signing off.

PS: I have informed my friend who has formidable thug connections to help me go about my mericless vendetta.

A slip of the tongue, a slit of the throat.
Dead men tell no tales.
Your laughing finger....will never point again!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Omerta- Lamb Of God)

And finally: (S)laughter is the best medicine ( The Joker, Batman: The Dark Knight)


Friday, September 2, 2011

OOps. My Bad

Hey, everybody! I would like to tender an apology. I stated in my previous post that I would publish 'Constipation Blues' in this post. Well...the lyrics got so awesome that I decided to put it on hold, compose some music, record it and release the song right here on my blog.
The good news is that it will take a long time. Oops.My bad. I mean that's the bad news. The good news is that its gonna be awesome...

This post is all about: you guessed it - Oops moments.
Ever had one of those I-wish-I-could-evaporate-right-now-I'm-so-embarrassed moments?Of course you have. I've had them too. Loads of them. But, for the record, not all of these are mine..

Oops moment # 179 :

The tension was palpable. One penalty kick stood between his team's loss and a tie, which would result in an acceptable outcome. The boy took an furious run up. the left foot placed carefully to the left of the ball, he lifted his right foot backwards in the characteristic David Beckham-esque pre-kick wind. For the kick that never came. The left foot had landed in a particularly slushy spot and the boy slipped and fell on his back. The worst part? He somehow touched the ball, hence a retake was out of the question. Oops.
He lay there for almost two whole minutes....trying to 'apparate'.

Oops moment # 125:

In the exam hall. The boy looked really uncomfortable. For, he knew not but a single answer! Alas...He shrugged, yawned and slid downwards in his chair.The desks were squeezed far too tightly together. Then the boy hoisted his knees up to be more comfortable. In the process, he rammed his knees directly onto the buttocks of the girl in front.
No...no Oops....that was awesome :p
He did apologize, btw...
Oops moment # 217:

In convo.
"I think all this reservation business is bullshit."
Girl, pointing to her friend, " She's SC."
"Oh. Well, SC ST is fine, but this reservation for Christians in some colleges, now that's utter crap."
"She's Christian too."

Oops moment # 63 :

To another boy, " See that lady over there?"
"Awesome sideburns...<snickers>"
"That's my Grandma"

Oops moment # 158:

In school.
"Ma'am,May I go to the washroom?"
"Hat Saali maa ki lodi" <Yes, he said it out loud>
The boy made a face typical to Shah Rukh's tearjerkers.
15 minutes later when he couldn't hold it any longer, well, he couldn't hold it any longer.
He did make sure to 'accidentally' drop his full water bottle (a whole litre) face down, directly onto his crotch....at the exact same time that he reached the maximum hold limit.
No evidence, no shame shame, puppy shame.
P.S.-teachers can be bitches....

Oops moment # 300:

For the past 20 minutes, the boy had been teasing a girl, who was doing some kind of decoration work, by going epileptic with a pair of scissors dangerously close to her carefully cut material, and yelling , "OOPS!"
The girl asked him to trim a chart paper...
Do I even need to say more??


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Offbeat Is My Middle Name


I have always tended to swim against the strong currents of societal and demographic trends. Everything I do, I do it for me. I have never taken tuitions in my entire life..except if you take into account IIT coaching, where I merely came, saw, and got clobbered in the tender heinie. I solve mathematical problems orally. Yes, even in exams. No, not the BOARDS, what am I, stupid??

I once solved enough questions to get into one of the coveted thrones of Vidya Mandir Classes. I didn't explain the solutions, I just wrote the answer. I didn't even get a correspondence course offer. In reply, I offered a very polite middle finger.

My taste in music has always baffled my peers...and perhaps now that they are catching up( and that I, being in a situation not conducive to progressive taste in music, am stagnating)..I still have to stifle guffaws...except for a few buddies whose taste I agree with.
I'm usually not one for display of personal choice, but my favourites are listed below :

1. System Of a Down....no question.Top spot. Undisputed.

2. Them Crooked Vultures

3. well, the ranking of the rest is disputed in my own mangled brain, so I will simply state them.

White Stripes, Foo fighters, Oasis, Porcupine Tree, Led Zeppelin, The Raconteurs, Daler Mehndi, Baba Sehgal etc.

I don't usually practice Hero worship...but here are a couple of people I just can't help admiring for their eccentricity and talent.


Annnnd. I learnt the guitar all by myself. From the internet.My mom refused to send me to classes since she though I would, as usual, discontinue in the middle of the course.....I just convinced her to buy me the guitar...and the rest, I took care of it. The tragedy is that I no longer have a guitar. I fuckin' broke it. So, now that I can't afford a good one, and since I don't want to waste cash on a not-so-good one, I'm gonna build one for myself. Wish me luck.

This is ALcoholic Toddler signing off.

I'm leaving a little hint for my next post : Constipation Blues.
Amen to that.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Life at School part ..(you're still counting??)

Hell. O.
College has been keeping me busy.
It was the damn gymnasium...working out can be very injurious to health, contrary to popular belief. It can also build up a stickman's frame, as I learnt. But for personal reasons, I had to stop. I was getting too sexy for my shirt.

Anyway, back to me school life.
After discovering that my grades were far from sufficient, I did what I do often - I told myself and others that I would work hard this time and top the class. And I got a wheezing-with-laughter audience to this proclamation.Like always.
And I went ahead and made a grave error of judgment, sans alcohol....(It's funny how I make the worst of decisions while i'm NOT under the influence)..I took a crush seriously.
As you figured, it destroyed my life. Well, part of it, though I would realize it much later.
Lesson learnt: Never fall in love...or atleast, never stop drinking.

Most of the year passed by uneventfully. I went about being an awesome footballer, befriended a genius who er....admired me for reasons unfathomable(besides the obvious). I was always picked to play against my own class during PE by that very boy genius...and I was the only one he picked. ah...the good old days, when I was never playing second fiddle to anyone....
And yeah, no crotch kickings, but another bout of attempted strangulating took place. As usual, I was at the receiving end. And a very smelly middle finger was thrusted in front of my face as he did it, which made me kinda worried about where he had thrust it previously. The good old days....sigh

I developed jaundice halfway through the year. That was a long, long time of being very,very sick. I was bedridden and my daily routine consisted of eating, pooping and sleeping. Not necessarily in that order.
I got to laze around a lot, though...i listened to music all day..watched Pokemon once, and never again.(seriously, how dumb do people get?)
Meanwhile, my jaundice was rising to fatally dangerous levels. My only reaction to this was - Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
When I recovered, I became the stickman that people know me by today...
I really have to poop. Ciao

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


sabbatical - any extended period of leave from one's customary work, especially for rest, to acquire new skills or training, etc.
Hello and welcome back to my bullshit blog! So, has above said sabbatical resulted in my learning new skills or undergo training of any sort? You guessed it. Hell, no...

I've pretty much wasted my holidays in lying around all day, and the only excercise I got was running to the bathroom when my farts got too loud and smelly. And a bout of football, which saw the return of my skill as a dead ball specialist...after a lot of years..

And I'm surprised at how long I've managed to stay without music, ever since my brother took away the PMP(Personal Media Player) two weeks back. It gives me great pleasure to announce that I'm off to meet him and retrieve it.

Holidays as meant to be enjoyed, and that's what I've been doing. In my own way. Almost every holiday I go off sightseeing, but this time it was different. Just pure lazing around, living the couch potato life. Or in my case, the couch carrot.

And there's always the cat to be tortured, chased into every corner and then lured back by a temporary petting session, then troubling her again..

Passion fruits to be plucked from the terrace and walls(It's a creeper) , grinded into the most delicious juice and drank with a sense of bliss....

Here are some snapshots of my month of freedom:

Whipping up a sandwich, Delhi

Graffiti on a wall, near Hazrat Nizamuddin, Delhi

The cat, waking up to one of my irritation sessions

Aboard the Rajdhani Express

Ripening Passion Fruit, house in Mysore

More Passion Fruits

The House

Me and my Harley Davidson

Clicking more Passion fruits with my camera

Monday, May 30, 2011


Eyes on parchment
Mind awash with visions
Of what could be...

Sifting through people and faces
Part blurred, part flattered in different places
Eyes on parchment
Mind awash with visions
Of what should be..

Quill descends, heartbeat ascends
A surgery of lyrics,
All else transcends...

Of things mundane,
Of pleasure and pain,
Of abstract musings,
Wordly masterpeices he paints

With imprint of soul
Is born a manuscript
Unspoken truths and more
He does there encrypt

In lyrical dance
In unbreakable trance
He revels.

Ponders he not
Where his canvas will wind
Eternal joy reigns inside of his mind
That it was written

Ponders he not
On an augment of rhyme
Of cacophonous critics
Or just perhaps a dash of lime
Time doesn't flow backwards
Neither shall his hand

Delve he doesn't
In earnest lexicon
For mere decor
Nor on any suggestion
But for want of the word
To be
It is but its fate

Thrives he not
On things technical
'Tis but for mere teachers
The not-so-gifted ones.

Quill ascends
And nothing else matters....

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Repenting Speech, Wishful Beseech

From an infant born to a wealthy duo
To a poor little consequence of someone's rape
To the progeny of a hunchback indebted soul
To an unfortunate, abandoned by one's own

A common splendid wide-eyed gaze
Spreads cheer and wonder to us all
Innocent laughter, shrill and contagious
Instantly metamorphoses us into the small

Through the ages, these young 'uns grow
Like snakeskin shedding, 'mongst us all
Developing new skins, time and time again
Discarding previous innocence

All the lessons they learn from us, we're told
Will guide them in the survival
Of the fittest or the sickest; remains untold
But what of the innocent gaze that's lost?
Of truthful sorrows and murky 'morrows
These God-sent must learn to go on?

Is man the father of child
Or is it the contrary?
Who's to learn and who's to teach?
Lest we all become a mutual leech
Feeding on others' blood for personal gain,
Achievements that ultimately stand inane,
While open wounds become the victim's bane...

Sacrilege of the infant mind
Unjustified, 'tis most unkind
After they're rendered apostate
The vilified mind, the vilified Earth
Won't be a matter of pride to claim;
Wont to be a matter of deepest shame

Adults alike, refuse to heed
The need to let go of ancient notions
So the young and 'stupid',unsurprisingly
Give violent vent to volcanic emotions

A fake democracy is the family
Where dictatorship is the norm
Where rebellion and revolts are crushed, unheard
Where asking for fair trial is labelled absurd

Freedom we want, freedom we'll have
Freedom we need, to spread our wings
To float along in raging storms
That to us, are our golden opportunities
But to them, just misguided beliefs

We'll make our own mistakes,
Well let ourselves fall
We'll learn our own lessons
Then out we'll crawl
At snail's pace
Or run a cheetah's race
To each his own,
A satisfied grin on a grown up face
To be able to call one's life one's own

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The One-word Symphony


by Alcoholic Toddler on Friday, June 11, 2010 at 7:31pm








Sunday, April 17, 2011

Long Time, No Post

Hiya, people!!
I apologise for delaying this post for so long. In my defence, I was very busy with absolutely nothing.
Back to my school life in 2002, then....

I was beginning to settle in, and concentrate on grades rather than who was the biggest idiot in class. I sat through english classes wondering what mental institution the teacher escaped from. She was, well, weird at best, and horrible with english ( Though a LOT better than the teachers I have here in Chennai)...and she used to roll her eyes like the Undertaker...and speaking of the Undertaker, the computer teacher looked like she was his twin.
I got horrible grades from the start. 10 apiece in biology, physics..and a decent 44 in english( which people considered awesome) ..but I've always had higher standards for myself than anyone ever did...though it's a different matter that I hardly ever met those darned standards.

The Hindi teacher was a nightmare.She was extreeemely unattractive, despite being ludicrously voluptuous. She'd give me barely passing marks, since I knew only spoken hindi and not the technical 'beauty' of the language. Blame it on my South Indian roots.gah...

I improved a lot in Science...i.e Physics and Biology, almost topping in every test from that time onwards.

It was then that I developed my love for football, having seen the FIFA World Cup for the first time. I was the first to be picked in the team, a hell lot of improvement from being picked last. I had my fair share of arguments on field, when I got frustrated at how dumbly the others played. It was not unlike the scene in Shaolin Soccer( which I was incidentally watching yesterday) where all the players are busy kicking dust in the furious melée, when the referee blows the whistle and groans," What are you doing??<pointing sideways> The ball is over there."

I had taken up French as a third language. I wasn't aware that Third languages start earlier in this school . All the other people had been learning French for two years already! As expected, I barely passed in my first Weekly test. I cried like a lovable little sissy before my whole class. Then I found out that I had two years' less experience, which made me feel a little better( Though not as much as cuddling my booboo).

Test standards there were much higher than my previous school, where I could get 90 above with my eyes closed. I adapted a little bit, and was almost the topper by the end of the year. My percentage was just 88%, so you can imagine what kind of pithecoid genii my class was composed of.

There were many more fights, most were really forgettable.
Then there was this Carnival kind of thing, which was quite a lot of fun. There were game stall and food stalls, but the most memorable things were the Lucky Draw and the Concert by Mika Singh.

He performed a couple of songs, most of which I don't remember( I didn't listen to much of punjabi music) , with the exception of Gabru...
Then in the end, he signs off  : You can email me , my Id is mikasingh@mikasingh.com

The Lucky Draw was much anticipated. I didn't win anything, but the Humpty Dumpty I mentioned earlier won a bicycle. HAHAHAHA

That's about it. Nothing more from the year 2002 was really memorable.
I have exams coming up, hence no regular internet access, but ye olde faithful dogs can still wag your little tails in pointless expectation, if you wish.

For now, I gotta chill.
The Dude abides!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Life At Schools part 5

Hi again.
Let's recap.
In my first week of the new school, I was kicked in the crotch and survived a strangulation attempt. Just when I was starting to enjoy myself, it all eased back into dullness...except the occasional bursts of anger (and farts). One particular funny incident I remember is when I somehow got into a fight with a huge girl who went on to write on the board that I was a drug addict. In response, I wrote that she was pregnant, drawing some attention to her paunch. (which was redundant, truth be said).
For some reason, this caused a furore among the girls..now at that time I had no inkling whatsoever as to how exactly a girl gets pregnant. I was innocent. The news was sent to the class teacher, who found me innocent as well, so she let me off with a mild scolding.

There was this Akshay Kumar lookalike in my class, who had a tendency to be irritating and to try and have you in a headlock anytime of the day...so he came to me from behind and did the unsurprising. I just tugged on his hands and it didn't work. So I bent over, overthrowing him, which was a miraculous achievement, considering my puny size.

Then there was a huge guy <actually there were two, but one was a docile species> who kept trying to agitate me by kicking me in my non-existent posterior( my size-zero figure does not permit me to have an ass) while I was quietly having my lunch...well, he succeeded, and I proceeded to chase him along two corridors to no avail...the guy's fast as an ostrich..
Later that day, in another altercation...he stood still, and I attempted a round kick (I was a red belt in tae-kwon-do  once upon a time...no that's not a joke, i really was...). Fortunately for him
  1. I was out of practise
  2. He was just out of reach
But it did the trick. He got scared and backed off..may not have seemed obvious, but it showed in his eyes..

Another fight involved the doodhwala boy at school<his name was the same as that of a milk brand>. Well, it was just a bad day and I was fuming, and he accidentally bumped me, so I just lost it and punched him, and he got hit very badly just below his lower skull...at the neck(from behind)..<OUCH> .He started crying and from that day he was terrified of me.
I was later informed of the unintentional nature of the bumping. I don't remember if I apologised....

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy Birthday to me

Another revolution round the earth since I was born.So why the celebration? Hell, who am I to question it, just breathe it in and enjoy it while it lasts...Cheers, me!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Life At School - Part 4

Welcome back, my non-existent friends! Another peek into my school life...read away:

After a delightful first day at school, I had an even more delightful FIRST WEEK at school. The crotch-kicking I received was a golden moment in my life that I would forever cherish.The next day, I was taunted day in, day out by the midget and his cronies...well, it was then that I developed my characteristic blank, unyielding stare, which denies the enemy any sadistic pleasure whatsoever in kicking my ass (or, in this case, crotch) by the sheer lack of reaction. I look neither angry nor terrified, quite nonchalant, as though nothing had happened. this infuriated the midget, a feeling he wished to see reflected in my face. Heh heh...

My BLANK STARE haunts whoever tries to make me weep or even react ...of course, unless I lose it, which was quite often when I was that age...in fact, I was famous for it.

Victim: Some dude who thought he knew just about everything related to computers.....vain, fat, ugly and extremely stupid.
So I just happened to hear him  boasting about how much he 'knows' about computers.
"8 bits is one byte, 1024 bytes is 1 kilobyte, 1024 kilobytes is 1 Megabyte, 1024 megabytes is 1 Gigabyte," said he, with a proud flourish, and an extremely stupid air about him, reminding me vividly of the character Dudley Dursley from the Harry Potter series.
So I went up to him and asked : "What's 1024 GB, then?"
A confused monkey stared back at me, not unlike the one shown in discovery channel, getting extremely confused on finding no monkey on the other side of the mirror.
"It's 1 Terabyte," I said, mocking his ah..'knowledgable' manner.
He got angry.
"Impossible- no computer with storage grater than 234(or something like that) GB has been made till date!"
"Look, I dunno where you get your stupid info, but 1024 GB = 1 TB," I said, with a sanctimonious little nod.
He lost it. He pounced on me, flung me against a table, and tried to strangulate me.
He needn't have bothered; i was already rolling on the table(floor) laughing my ass off, and hence quite unable to breathe...
Some guys came to my rescue, but not before he managed to splutter," Don't you dare tell me anything about computers!!!I have stood first in more than 10 quizzes on computers at the <whatever> level... <blah blah>..."
HAHAHAHA... loser....:D
I always rip apart such intellectuals to the point of insanity.
Here's what happened to another guy who tried to argue with me(when I was still active on facebook):<read it fully, it is HILARIOUS>

Linkin Park tried so hard...and got so far...ironically it doesn't even matter :p Rock sucks,Metal rules.Period.\m/\m/
December 18, 2009 at 5:21pm · · ·

    • Nishant Raj hell fuckin yeah

      btw - akhil s not a metalhead :P ... wonder why he likes it :P

      December 18, 2009 at 7:44pm ·

    • Bharathan Chandrasekaran everyone who listens to metallica would hav once heard backstreet boys too.its just a transisition
      December 19, 2009 at 11:06am ·

    • Nishant Raj but not everyone listens to meshuggah or dimmu borgir
      December 19, 2009 at 2:43pm ·

    • Akhil Lohchab bharatan, backstreet boys and linkin park are'nt the same.
      December 19, 2009 at 10:01pm ·

    • Bharathan Chandrasekaran i bet u guys did not lsiten to mettalica when u were in ur pants.anywyas u wouldnt be able to undersatnd master of puppets at that time.same applies to me.we all must hav been lp fans at oen time and now we can't just be hypocrites
      December 20, 2009 at 9:05am ·

    • Nishant Raj bharathan .... rachit is so damn right bout ye
      why dont ye suck it up n stay contented wid yer own life rather than bargin into ours , pal

      December 20, 2009 at 11:13am ·

    • Bharathan Chandrasekaran just coz u dont hava counter thats why u talk shit now k.u guys were just wannabes in dps thinkin u were great monpolisin evythin from quizzing to football but eventually when everybody has access to everythin u just get screwed man.actually u guys can't accept anyone bein more knowledgeble then u in any thing and u giver"mind ur business shit" like small wimps.why the hell do u write express ur views in public forums such as fb man.wy dont u just sms each other.do one thing get a msg pack and keep smsin each other
      December 20, 2009 at 11:21am ·

    • Nishant Raj suck my balls
      December 20, 2009 at 11:24am ·

    • Nishant Raj n probably ur d wannabe out here ... all u do is wank at some random tamil hero n write crap
      December 20, 2009 at 11:25am ·

    • Akhil Lohchab
      ‎@ bharatan,
      Abey chu saale....what exactly is that ur better than us at? Football? fuck off. Quizzing? me and rachit have been in the top 3 of more quizzes than the no. Of participation certificates u'd be having.
      And jst bcuz u were a wannabe who wasn't good enough to make the cut for any activity what so ever doesn't mean u have to blame it on others. Secondly, fb isn't a public forum...its a social networking website and just so u know , there is a difference between the two u dumbass. As for smsing each other, we are just commenting on of our friend's status......(keyword being friend)...can't say the same fr u though. Ur chape

      December 20, 2009 at 6:59pm ·

    • Nishant Raj fr making it to quiz club .... me , akhil n rachit jointly topped the selection test unlike u .... u never were a part of it

      aur saale bhaagna daudna toh seekh le pehle , wht else r ye good at ? good at not havin a life ? :P ....

      December 20, 2009 at 9:42pm ·

    • Akhil Lohchab ‎@ last point by raj

      u bet :P

      December 21, 2009 at 4:38pm ·

    • Yugesh Rv lol-overload =))
      December 21, 2009 at 5:18pm ·

    • Bharathan Chandrasekaran oh yeha man havn a life is sukcin up to girls,teachers and actin like a fuckin wimp well i dotn want one .as for ur selection i guess u guys r talkin abt slection to the cunthead society.u and ur freakin top 3.well i guess u dont knwo the meanin of monpoly or monpolisin.u would allow ppl who woudl suck up too ppl.infaatc u dotn even hav ur own opinion u just suck up to ur leader so fuck u guys seriosuly
      December 22, 2009 at 8:02pm ·

    • Bharathan Chandrasekaran ‎@nishant
      tell me who ahs the most appearances ever for arsneal.
      hope u dont look at wiki b4 asnwerin like a wimp

      December 22, 2009 at 8:03pm ·

    • Bharathan Chandrasekaran ‎*arsenal
      December 22, 2009 at 8:03pm ·

    • Nishant Raj i dont need wiki for it bitch .... bin an arsenal fan since 2003;
      david o mothafuckin leary s the answer

      n bharathan .... jus suck my dick n get lost fag....

      December 22, 2009 at 9:23pm ·

    • Nishant Raj
      bharathan - go get laid wid yer fellow fags u thong wearing fatty

      how many times hav ye actually bin successful at kicking the ball?

      u suck moron ... get a fuckin life ...

      December 22, 2009 at 9:27pm ·

    • Akhil Lohchab before u run away, figuratively ofcourse...... Which one of us are u referring to as our leader neway ?
      December 22, 2009 at 10:56pm ·

    • Bharathan Chandrasekaran
      you bastards you know very well i can take you anything frm knowledge man just dont think hat ull are 3 and im one meaning you would scare me man chuts man you all are seriously fucking wimps we just pretend tobe col man ull have no substance no balls nothing to back the fuck up whatyou actually show to the world it takes peole like me to get the fukn world to bring it out in the open man ull are just pretentious motherfuckers who can bear to get insulted by me man and ull r big time suck ups ass kissin is the way of ur life and ass whopping is the way of my life which is eactly what im doing just now u fucking cunts so go suck someones pimple covered ass and kiss it nicely till it fukn bursts in ur motuh and taste the puss of the pimple and get high coz thats what u have been doing ur whole life. and grow a pair of balls or go ask ur parents why they castrated you.
      talking about me getting a life this is only my life man fukng you bastards man so btw i have life period and will continue to have one as long as even 1 of u chuts is alive man.

      December 23, 2009 at 3:35am ·

    • Nishant Raj we have neither the time nor the inclination to go thru d bullcrap ye ve written

      toh .... maa chuda bhosdi wale

      December 23, 2009 at 8:07am ·

    • Yugesh Rv hear hear :p
      December 23, 2009 at 5:18pm ·

    • Yugesh Rv because we,unlike you, have a life..
      December 23, 2009 at 5:48pm ·

    • Nishant Raj hehe ... hi-five brova
      December 23, 2009 at 5:49pm ·

    • Akhil Lohchab abey chutiye....thode bahut punctuations to use kar liya kar......teri tarah tere sentences ka bhi pata nahi chalta kahan se shuru ho rahe hain aur kahan khatam :|
      December 23, 2009 at 7:16pm ·

    • Bharathan Chandrasekaran u get scrwed baldy then u hav no cunter ad u write abt mother fuckin punctuauions.come on an grow up.graduate from looney tunes to south aprk atleast man
      December 24, 2009 at 5:56pm ·

    • Sagar Sachdev
      bhartan wel firstly i just saw all yer pages n things u r a "fan" of..nd u kn wat i noticed..u r d biggest and d most hardcore metalhead we are fortunate to have in our stay on d planet...d only "metal" band u r a fan of is "linkin park"..and was dere backstreet boys(d baddest MELODIC DEATH METAL BAND) in dere as wel..?

      so c dog..we r extremely privelgd dat u share ur "expert" views on d matter..but u c for novices lyk us..it baffles us..and d little free time we have,we wld like to listen to our "chicken" musik rather dan ponder upon ur priceless comments..

      P.S> MASTER!!! MASTER!!!

      December 24, 2009 at 7:33pm ·

    • Sagar Sachdev and wel..all of wat i jst wrote cld b summed up in one word..or 1 no. to be precise..


      December 24, 2009 at 7:41pm ·

    • Akhil Lohchab


      u dumbfuck....i dont have a comeback ? the way u write....no one can understand shit....even u dont probably . thats why ur still here......btw we are playing football tomorrow . why dont u come and show us ur football skills to us eh ?

      NOTE : u accept and ull be lying on ur fatass on the ground . I kid you not

      December 24, 2009 at 7:45pm ·

    • Nishant Raj haha .... the only thing bharathan does is "mast(u)erbate" while watchin doggy porn :P
      December 24, 2009 at 9:00pm ·

    • Nishant Raj
      ‎@ bharathan
      ur jus stalling cause u arent quick enough fr a comeback .... i presume u spend days locked up in ur hostel room trying to come up wid a good dysphemistic retort to our comments, though u still end up riting bullcrap

      see u at d football session tomorrow .... be sure to get some twat-protection noob

      December 24, 2009 at 9:02pm ·

    • Bharathan Chandrasekaran
      due yeah i masterbate wathcing doggy porn in which u fuckface little twit is getting rammed in ur butthole by a fukng labrador man and yeah i dont need to sit a whole day in my room to think of comebacks im full of them i can didss u anytime i want its just that unlike u birdbrains who go around sniffing each others butt and licking it too i dont have a permenant access to a comp so just think that u r lucky and got left off for a while b4 i come and shove my dick up ur ass to fukn make u fell uncomforatble again fuckfaces and screw u so bad that fukn ass starts dripping with blood you ugly cunts and i enjoy dong this to you bastards man coz this is my life and i love it.

      December 24, 2009 at 11:43pm ·

    • Nishant Raj oye bhosadan chutarshekharan ...

      take chewbacca s hairy dick n shove it up yer ass lode
      stay outta d convo bhosadiwale

      December 25, 2009 at 11:00am ·

    • Sunil Ganesan ‎@bharatan: you bloody blown up ass.....do you even know who a dipsite is ?dipsite never freakin intrude...so you bloody not call yourself that....we are the bloody originals...you are the fuckingd wannabe who dragged his sorry soggy ass into our school to get himself a freakgo name.....as for knowledge ....dont even go there....and cp for metal....rotfsolv grow balls and then well talk ....and yeah...never mess with us :-@
      December 25, 2009 at 11:47am ·

    • Bharathan Chandrasekaran
      due ur talkin s though dps is ur freakin ancsetral proerty man.just coz u got ur fuckin ass in the campus b4 mien doenst make u better man.btw i was takin abt knowledge football wise amn not metal.if being a dipsite is all abt sukcin up and monoplosin and not even allowin soemoen to hav an opinion the ur menain of fukcin dipsite is rong.u assholes cant even hav a fuckin discussion properly and u start actin liek kids talkin mind ur business and chape crap.guess suckin up to girls has had a real bad effetc on u guys man.actaully u guys r gettin flsutered coz i alone am fuckin all ur ppls case amn.got hide in shame guys serisouly.all u gusy do is suck up to oen leader write crap like:P:DLOL and muahh man.i cnat believe how u all hav the same fuckin opinions man.gess they r orders from the high command to kepp sukcin up to him

      December 25, 2009 at 11:58am ·

    • Yugesh Rv
      C bharatan..ur futile attempts at insulting us rather tend to amuse us.
      About football- i don't have knowledge nd neither do i pretend to.I'l leave that part to akhil nd d oders..though i'll say this much-just bcoz u failed at sucking up 2 the teachers doesn't mean that we got in by the same method.We get in on pure talent in everything and its not our fault that u absa-muthafuckin-lutely suck at everything u do.So don't give us this'monopolising' crap.At the end of the day we all actually play footie, and our discussions are not purely theoretical,unlike u,blackass babboon pimp...
      nd just bcoz u come up wid crappy 'insults' from dunno wat kinda sick porn watching marathon,which is probably the only sport u practise....doesn't mean u won d argument.
      And about ur first few comments-i'll clarify that it is directed to dose ppl who r our age, have heard both metallica nd linkin park nd still say "linkin park is freakin awesome" or some shit like that.And again, we guys actually play dose songs on d guitar...wat d u do eh?shake ur bonbons to some rajinikanth song?
      don't bother replying if all u can come up wid is weird stuff frm ur eunuch pimping experience

      December 25, 2009 at 7:10pm ·

    • Yugesh Rv Oh and btw, i got better things to do than fuckin explain to you what my words mean...i just got tired of all dese notifications...so shut the fuck up
      December 25, 2009 at 7:18pm ·

    • Nishant Raj hahahah rofl-fuckin-mao ...... black bonbons :P
      i actually fell of my fuckin chair .... this comment of urs was a masterpiece mate

      bharathan , u jus got pwned , twat
      keep away frm yug s status .... i hope u got ur message bitch

      December 25, 2009 at 8:41pm ·

    • Sagar Sachdev
      ‎@yug:holy fuck!! you nailed it mate..fucking nail in d fucking coffin..
      @bartan:u like dags,eh?

      or u jst like doggy porn...

      December 25, 2009 at 9:47pm ·

    • Sagar Sachdev bhartan chutiye tu likh kya raha hai bhonsad ke pille..dhyan se likha kar
      December 25, 2009 at 10:23pm ·

    • Nishant Raj hahahahaha .... tabhi toh saale ka naam bhosadan chutarshekharand hai
      December 25, 2009 at 10:27pm ·

    • Akhil Lohchab ROTF LMFAO !!!!!

      hail yugesh :P

      December 26, 2009 at 5:38pm ·

    • Bharathan Chandrasekaran eventually u got owned guys so no point wastin my holiday tkain ur case.will get back to my routine after new year.btw meattalica sux and megadeath rox.hail dave mustaine
      December 27, 2009 at 9:16am ·

    • Nishant Raj both metallica n megadeth hav grown commerical , blackass

      btw - u poser faggot ..... megadeth does not have an 'a' and metallica is spelt wid a single 't'

      December 27, 2009 at 9:28am ·

    • Bharathan Chandrasekaran ‎*megadeth happy.so what if they r gone commercial?they still rock .change ur anme from barfbag to douchebag man.anywyas u sucked to an eglish teachers cock b4 u came online or wat talkin too much abt spellings and all?just shut the fuck up man.go lsiten to bhojpuri man
      December 27, 2009 at 9:31am ·

    • Nishant Raj oye madarchod .... had u sucked my dick ye wouldnt hav bin so pathetic at life bhosdi ke pille .... u got pwned .... get d fuck outta here n buy a life fr yerself ye blackass booboon nigger
      December 27, 2009 at 9:32am ·

    • Yugesh Rv Bhartan, y don't u do us all a favor nd crawl back up yo mamma's cunt?u don't belong here..
      December 28, 2009 at 10:26am ·

    • Yugesh Rv bharatan u fucking novice...metallica nd megadeath 'rock'?? wat the fuck does my status say- rock sucks.... nd if metallica nd megadeath r the only metal bands ye've heard....i spurn thee like i spurn a nigger mongrel...until ye shit sideways...nd at what point did we get 'owned' eh bitch?
      December 28, 2009 at 10:35am ·

    • Nishant Raj hahahaha xepic
      December 28, 2009 at 11:53am ·

    • Akhil Lohchab He'll need a dictionary or two to understand tht comment :p
      December 28, 2009 at 12:16pm ·

    • Bharathan Chandrasekaran
      hey fuckface get what mettalica and megadeth started ,etal
      btw why i am tlakin to fuckin cunthead like u who is a bigtime douchebag.abey all u do is :pand Mwahh at foto comments ass hole.fuckin ass hole u belong to suckin nick cannons cock man so go it sukc it real hard man.assholes i can write it.why don't u gusy make a porn movie wid ursleves and then masturbate seein it chill guys i will give u publicity to it.wat he fuck r u talkin abt metal man all u do is lsiten to indian idol and sing fuckin emo songs man.don't try to give this alter ego of a fuckin metal addict coz only ur fucked friends will buy it man.abey i know more metal bands then all ur pubic hair combined.here i am assumin u r straight and not a homosexual waxin it.

      December 28, 2009 at 6:05pm ·

    • Yugesh Rv
      Hey,lookie here,gorilla tit sucker...ur comments make no sense nd never will.U don't kno shit about metal nd u call us the posers.U don't even kno me nd u're talking about saying :p or muaah at photo comments..that would be ur 'friends',not us,bitch...nd u ask y don't we make a porn movie..blah blah?i'll tell u why-we're not chimta-using,constipated fart machines like u.
      i thought i told u to go back up yo mama's cunt?oh sry..i frgot,u onli have two gay fathers like that guy in harold n kumar to whom u bear an uncanny resemblance.

      December 29, 2009 at 5:21pm ·

    • Yugesh Rv What's ur problem wid ':p' anyway?U always got ur black tongue hanging out, licking shit...
      December 29, 2009 at 5:25pm ·

    • VenKrish Stalin ooh Mr Bharathan....choke up on ma balls.....jackass.....y r forcing ur so cald load of shit knowlege on others....u eat shit as ur food doesnt mean every1 else shld 2.....so y dont u Shut d FUCK up....n suck n get fucked by every fag around d corner....coz u have big holes wich need b closed by shoving sumthing in.....
      December 30, 2009 at 3:31am ·

    • Bharathan Chandrasekaran motherfuckin venkrish freakin u mite be a by product fof stalin man.he was anywyas the worst dictatore evr .hey moterucker i dotn knwo u but still i dotn mind ownin u man.yugesh got scared and u chcickened out so callin for help?i will fuck u and ur freinds wid equal ease
      December 30, 2009 at 10:35am ·

    • Nishant Raj bhosadan ke pille .... maa chuda ..... ur in enemy territory u fatass ...

      nice comment @ stalin - yug has told me loads bout ye :)

      December 30, 2009 at 1:18pm ·

    • Yugesh Rv i dunno wat d fuck u r talking about,BC,u never even came close to er...'owning' us.
      i never asked anyone to comment on my status,it just so happens that i've got friends.where r urs?pulling up their thongs?

      December 30, 2009 at 5:07pm ·

    • Anirudh Garg

      Firstly, thanks a LOT for using punctuation in the later comments. Honestly your initial comments seemed pretty much like some jumbled up version of some weird doggy sniff dictionary.

      And just on a more sophisticated (know what that means by the way?) note, your repetition of the phrase "sucking up to girls" just gives a faint hint of your insecurity about your own masculinity.
      Just saying.
      Nothing personal. :)

      Dude you're AWESOME!!!
      ^hail hail^
      :P *

      * - Notice the ":P" Bharathan :)

      December 30, 2009 at 5:55pm ·

    • VenKrish Stalin ‎@BC...u owing me.....lol..hmmm it seems u use d word motherfuckin alot...i wonder y...i dont wanna get into tat..or else d slutty shithead fag will start crying.....well u did prove 1 thing n tats ur affection for guys n dicks(?i will fuck u and ur freinds wid equal ease)...fuckin bloody faggot...i dont y yug calls u BC....whthr its for Bhosadichod or Behanchod...bt for sure its not Bharat chandran....n e wayz u suit urself, coz both suits u well...infact BC for BoysChodu suits u evn btr...Faggot...
      December 31, 2009 at 12:27am ·

    • VenKrish Stalin ‎@Nishant ...hey bro wassup.....so wat does Yug tells abt u....
      December 31, 2009 at 12:32am ·

    • Nishant Raj haha @ comment

      hmm yug tells me that ur probably the sanest person he s met down south :D

      December 31, 2009 at 1:02am ·

    • Yugesh Rv lol its true...easily the sanest,nd one i'd like to hang out wid, if given a choice,lol..i'm sure u understand why..
      @ venkat -dis is my best mate,probably the most insane person i've ever met :D

      December 31, 2009 at 4:53pm ·

    • VenKrish Stalin yug yaar itna chane k jhaad pe mat chadha....waise he mera wt jhad jhel nahi payega...lol...aur tu aur upar chadhaye ja raha hai....
      December 31, 2009 at 6:18pm ·

    • Bharathan Chandrasekaran yeha i am BC behen chod your behend chod
      December 31, 2009 at 6:21pm ·

    • Bharathan Chandrasekaran ‎@anirudh_ ur the proof of my masculinity
      ps:nothin personal

      December 31, 2009 at 6:25pm ·

    • Nishant Raj bhosadan - i ll see u in a fist fight , madarchod
      December 31, 2009 at 6:37pm ·

    • VenKrish Stalin ‎@BC......abe saale harmkhor.....if v go as per ur theory upar atleast logo ne tujhe 15 -20 maderchod bulaya hai....does tat means ki un logo ne teri maa ki 20 bar li hai.....kyon tu hamesha chootiyon ki tarah baat karta hai.....saale maderchod...le 21 ho gaya ...maine teri maa ki ek baar aur le li.....agli baar behanchod bolene se pehle apni gaand se bamboo nikal liyo....samjha maderchod....oopsy now its 22...u bettr save ur mum...pata nahi tu kitno ki milawat hai...bloody faggot....
      January 1, 2010 at 5:11am ·

    • Yugesh Rv haha rofl...kitno ki milawat... =))
      January 1, 2010 at 7:16pm ·

    • Bharath Gangadharan ouch... i'm actually embarrassed that our names are "almost" the same :P nehow.. PEACE.
      January 2, 2010 at 10:40am ·

    • VenKrish Stalin ‎@BG...u chill yaar.....ur name n BC's name r not same ...so dont feel embarassed.....just watch wat v do to tat mothafucker.....oopsy BC yaar it 23 now.....lol
      January 2, 2010 at 11:04am ·

    • Nishant Raj btw dat bc guv s down south in ur territory .... kill him there n then
      January 2, 2010 at 12:20pm ·

    • VenKrish Stalin naaah......mein kutto ke mooh nahi lagta....
      January 2, 2010 at 3:56pm ·

    • Sunil Ganesan ‎@BC if you have the slighest of pride left in you...never return !!!
      January 6, 2010 at 11:36pm ·

    • Sunil Ganesan ‎@BC if you have the slighest of pride left in you...never return !!!
      January 6, 2010 at 11:36pm ·

    • Sunil Ganesan ‎@BC if you have the slighest of pride left in you...never return !!!
      January 6, 2010 at 11:36pm ·

    • Sunil Ganesan ‎@BC if you have the slighest of pride left in you...never return !!!
      January 6, 2010 at 11:36pm ·

    • Sunil Ganesan ‎@BC if you have the slighest of pride left in you...never return !!!
      January 6, 2010 at 11:42pm ·

    • Sunil Ganesan ‎@BC if you have the slighest of pride left in you...never return !!!
      January 6, 2010 at 11:42pm ·

    • VenKrish Stalin ‎@Sunil......tat dickless shit head has no pride at all...or else he wld had quit way b4 itself..........
      January 9, 2010 at 2:52am ·