Picture this!

Picture this!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Speech Of God

by Alcoholic Toddler on Tuesday, January 6, 2009 at 11:39am

The world is a harmony of opposites,
Tranquility buried beneath chaos,
A sophisticated jigsaw of random bits,
Interminable it is, despite its flaws

Strangely, this world is governed,
By the quintessence of constancy,
It is TIME of which I speak,
And countless corpses it has churned,
From the countless lives that it has burned

Time erodes away our lives,
Forever deaf to our cries,
Not a single being survives
The net of time; everyone dies...

Life, it slips from a jar,
Like sand from an hourglass,
Helpless in this matter we are,
Come what may, life has to pass...

The jar, our soul, keeps leaking,
Till life, from death, accepts defeat,
It is then,in a manner of speaking,
As empty as it is complete...

It is strange, in the end,
How a lifelong dream loses worth,
Knowing everything won't change anything,
It's just the way it is, my friend...

A thousand memories flash in your head,
You lose your breath
And then comes death...