Picture this!

Picture this!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Theosophical Society


You may have been wondering why I've been going on and on about the Theosophical Society...

It is the most gigantic natural landscape I have ever seen with human habitation, in such unexplicable harmony.

This place is recognized as a hotspot for a lot of endangered species and, it's just a breathtaking spectacle.

As is widely said...A picture is worth a thousand words...
                            Several pictures are worth a lot more!

Feast your eyes....

The Bhojanshala

some kinda double ended insect

some wild parrots...can u spot them all?

sunrise on the private beach

I tried my hand at sand art..heh heh

ahem...my pet tarantula...Crawley

Crawley's shy friend Crabby

some more giant crabs

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